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Are ”Scary” Trees Haunting Your Yard in Middle Tennessee this Halloween?

“For those of us who live in Middle Tennessee, the memory of last springs’ fierce storms are still fresh in our minds. As an arborist performing tree assessments and estimates daily, I can assure you that there are plenty of trees out there that have been structurally compromised due to those storms,” says owner, Rick Decker. In 2008 of September, a golfer was killed when a tree landed on his golf cart and yet another incident a golfer was killed when a branch of the giant gum tree she was standing under crashed to the ground. There was a lady that lost her life recently when a tree fell on the roof of her mobil home. There are countless reports of incidents such as these and they are happening way too often. People may blame the elements such as wind or just plain old mother nature, but this is a situation that can possibly be prevented. Trees can definitely be hazardous to your health and property if not regularly maintained by proper pruning techniques. A hazard tree is a tree with structural defects that can likely cause failure of all or part of the tree. What is frightening is that the damage can be hidden. The general appearance of a tree doesn’t mean that its not a hazard or can’t become one. Even ”green healthy looking trees” may already have damaged trunks and/or limbs causing the tree to be unstable. There are several things that need to be considered; the trees overall condition, the type of tree, the age and size of the tree, cracks and/or stress fractures, leaning trees or one side heavy trees, partially uprooted trees and certain tree defects to name a few. Other signs to watch for when identifying a hazard tree would be dead limbs, mistletoe infection, sloughing bark, fungus and conks, butt and stem cankers, and the trees inhabitants; woodpeckers, ants, termites, etc. The professionals at Family’s Tree Service Inc, are trained to look for  these hazards while examining the trees in and around your yard. It’s better to be safe than have a tree come down on your property, a neighbors property, or on a person. If it needs to be removed don’t wait until it has broken or fallen down. Have it safely removed, you can always plant another one in its place!

 Be tree aware, not scared! Call us today at Family’s Tree Service Inc. for a complimentary tree assessment at 615 452 3994.